History of Go Rin Pou Jujitsu
Go Rin Pou Ryu was founded by Kaiso Thomas Bellamy, 8th dan. The Go Rin Pou system literally translates to ‘5 ring style’ and draws heavily from the teachings of Soke Jan de Jong’s Tsutsumi Hozan Ryu (Ryu meaning School). It also brings together Musashi's five elements, and preserves the lost art of Kazushi, a key element in transferring practiced technique into practical, “real life” self-defence. Soke Jan de Jong’s lineage in Tsutsumi Hozan Ryu can be traced directly to the origins of ju-jitsu in ancient feudal Japan.
Takenouchi Nakatsukasadayu Hisamori, a member of the ancient Minamoto clan founded Takenouchi Ryu on the 24th June 1532. The Minamoto's were heavily involved in the Daito Ryu founded in 850 AD by Senwa Tenno, the first Grand Master. From 894 AD, Minamoto Tsukamoto became the second Grand Master of Daito Ryu, and for over 300 years the grand masters of Daito Ryu were from the Minamoto family. From the 11th century, Tadeka Kyomitsu continued Daito Ryu as Takenouchi Ryu.
Takenouchi Ryu continued for some centuries under several grand masters but one of Takenouchi Hitachinsuke Hisakatsu's students, Tsutsumi Yama Shironorakami Hozan, founded Tsutsumi Hozan Ryu in 1658 at Nigata, Honshu Island.

Soke Jan De Jong
Blitz Magazine April 2016
Since Tsutsumi Hozan was the 12th disciple of the priest Jion, it is safe to assume that the sword style of Tsutsumi Hozan Ryu would have been based upon Jion’s Nen Ryu. Hozan was also adept with the jitte and at a master of Jujitsu. Traditionally, Tsutsumi Hozan Ryu also included the yari (spear), bo (staff), torinawa or hojojutsu (tying techniques), and kusarigama. Some also suggest the manriki or manriki-gusari (chain) and chigiriki and jo (staff and chain) may have been included in the system. A comprehensive system of Jujitsu techniques from seated positions, standing positions, weapons defence, and special healing methods and resuscitation (kappo) were features of the style. Katas such as Kimi No Kata and Itsutsu no Kata can be traced directly through this lineage.
Tsutsumi Hozan believed that kata training alone would not develop the ability to respond rapidly to attack so he tried to introduce a method of training the reflexes. Meeting with resistance within the Takenouchi Ryu, Tsutsumi left to further develop the art and incorporate reflex training. To date, students of Tsutsumi Ryu and its descendants are still promoted according to their performance on reflex gradings.
Tsutsumi Masao, the second grand master of Tsutsumi Hozan Ryu was officially the last Tsutsumi Grandmaster and died in 1898. Among his students were Higashi. K, Saito. K (7th Dan), and Saito. S (8th Dan).
Tsutsumi and Higashi were involved in the development of Kano Jujitsu, the precursor to Judo. Professor Kano’s original intention being to bring together into one system the best of the Jujitsu schools, Tsutsumi contributed greatly to the expansion of the Kano Jujitsu system.
In the early 1900's the Saito brothers moved to Samerang, Java Island, Indonesia where they worked in a factory with the father of Soke Jan de Jong. Although the Saito brothers where not at the time continuing the Tsutsumi Hozan Ryu school, they were convinced to take on one student. The two Japanese brothers taught Jan de Jong from 1927 to 1945 and passed on the Menkyo Kaiden (licence to teach). After many armed and unarmed combat encounters during World War II Soke Jan de Jong (9th dan) moved to Perth Western Australia in 1952. Jan de Jong's son, Shihan Hans de Jong faithfully continues the Tsutsumi Hozan Ryu. Soke Jan De Jong had two other notable students, being Kaiso Tom Bellamy, and Shihan Tony Fernley.
The curriculum of Go Rin Pou today carries with it the legacy of Tsutsumi Hozan Ryu and the experiences of Soke Jan de Jong. Many of the techniques are "as taught" and the principals are intact. Today, Go Rin Pou Jujitsu falls under the World Jujitsu Kobudo Organisation (WJJKO) presidented by Shike Giacomo Spartacus Bertoletti in Italy. Kaiso Tom Bellamy is officially recognised as the WJJKO Australian president and representative.

1. Facebook.com. (2016). Blitz Australasian Martial Arts Magazine. [online] Available at: https://www.facebook.com/blitzmartialarts/photos/a.419750646038/10153370673861039/?type=3&theater [Accessed 11 Oct. 2018].